Saturday, May 16, 2020

Parenthood Should Have More Government Restrictions

Defunding Planned Parenthood Although my view is consistent with a capitalistic micro government, Planned Parenthood should have more government restrictions. Most people would beg to differ for several reasons. This issue has a two sided debate and there is no wrong or right answer. The only way to come down to a fair conclusion is by making a pros and cons list, so one can see each side instead of being close-minded. Planned Parenthood has been controversial due to the services it provides to women and teens in the United States, however the government enforce restrictions in order to prevent corruption. Planned Parenthood is a huge provider for women, teens, and families. According to their website they describe themselves as, â€Å"†¦leading providers of high quality, affordable health care for women, men, and young people, and the nation’s largest provider of sex education† (Planned Parenthood, 2015). They have about 700 health centers around the United States, which cater to both men and women. They are open all year long and they have outreach to more than five million women, men, and adolescents worldwide. They provide them with birth control, counseling, breast exams, STDs testing, etc. Planned Parenthood is a nonprofit organization to the public, which has eight million activists, supporters, and donors working for women’s health and safety and our fundamental reproductive rights according to their website. This organization cares for their patients and only threeShow MoreRelatedPlanned Parenthood : A Program That Has Been Servicing Communities For Over 100 Years909 Words   |  4 PagesPlanned Parenthood a program that has been servicing communities for over 100 years by providing sexual health care and preventative services for women and men is going to be possibly defunded by the government according to â€Å"the Grand Old Party†, or Republican Party. 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